Monday, June 16, 2008


So on Friday we had a suturing lab where we learned different techniques in suturing and also got to practice these skills. Who would've thought there were different ways to sew someones wound up? I would've have until this year. We practice five different styles: interrupted (you standard stitch), running (nice for long, straight lacerations), horizontal mattress (good for bringing edges of larger wounds together while relieving tension, helps with the scar), vertical mattress (also for tension), and subcutaneous stitch (good for deep wounds and hiding the stitch).
Now the question arises, what does one get to practice on? You had to have tissue with a laceration in it to provide practice but what person in their right mind will allow you to cut them and then sew them back up? The answer to that is no one! So instead we ended up using cow tongues. Although it's not exactly like human skin it still gives good practice. Below are pictures for you visual enjoyment. Later on we fried up the tongues and made tacos out of them....yum!


Brandon and Emily said...

Tyler for real, you didn't have to take pics of my suturing. I know you were impressed with my technique, but there's gotta be some sort of copyright infringement you just violated!! JK. Nice tongue.

Tyler said...

Brandon pay attention man! I can't believe that you would not only read my blog but post on comment on it during one of Dr. Goodenough's lectures. How inconsiderate are you. Just because I wrote it during his lecture doesn't mean you need to follow in my bad habits. Smell it, smell it, now take it!

HDVB said...

How cool is that?! Seriously Tyler, you say that there is nothing to do in Idaho? are you crazy? Cow tongues, bike rides, and of course blogging during lecture.


Hey SON!!! Just found out you have a blog while checking out Daniel and Hannahs. So now I can stalk you and keep up with your shenanigans.

You did not have tongue tacos. No way!! And I see you are stalking us since you have a link to our blog.

Love ya, Manja